Post-Separation Support & Alimony

Spousal Support in Franklin County

When one spouse makes significantly more than the other, the spouse making less may be entitled to financial support. Numerous factors are involved in determining whether a spouse is entitled to support, how much that support should be and how long support should continue.

Post-separation support is the support received by a spouse after the date of separation and before an absolute divorce is granted and is temporary. North Carolina General Statute § 50‑16.2A governs the factors that a Court can consider. Marital misconduct is a factor that the Court can consider when choosing to award support.

Alimony is support given from one spouse to another to continue after the date of absolute divorce. North Carolina General Statutes § 50‑16.3A governs the factors that the Court can consider. Proven illicit sexual behavior, as defined in § 50‑16.1A(3)a will prevent the award of alimony to the guilty party.

Because the law is broad and the facts are varied, having an attorney is essential to maintaining a solid financial future. Make sure that your attorney understands your financial needs and knows as many facts as possible regarding your marriage. These will be important in preparing your case, whether it is to be settled or resolved in Court. If you need legal help in Franklin County or the surrounding counties, Ms. McCray would be glad to meet with you to discuss your options.

Click here to contact attorney Gena McCray or call us at (919) 497-0091 for more information.

If you are already a client, look on the client homework page for worksheets and information you can gather to help your attorney learn about you and your family to be able to give you good legal advice and guidance.

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